...is what I'm asking myself after watching the movie "Leap Year" today. We had a girls day out with a few friends from my ward, had lunch and then went to a matinee of this movie. I won't give too much away, but the general premise is that this girl goes to Ireland to propose to her boyfriend of 4 years who is there on business. While there, she has a crazy adventure and meets this Irish guy who changes her whole outlook on life.

Basically the whole movie made me want to visit Ireland (I've been once before and it was lovely!) And you really end up liking the Irish guy in the end.
Well....the whole movie made me think of my husband. Who if you didn't know already, was born in Dublin! When the movie ended, all my friends asked, "Where is Paul from again?" When I answered "Dublin", they all sighed. Not kidding here. Yes, I know girls are mental sometimes.
This is a picture of my hubby, even wearing an Irish Rugby shirt.

Also, the one time we went to Ireland, we took a trip over from Dublin to Limerick (other side of the country). We drove back across the country to catch our ferry home, and ended up getting in a million traffic jams, getting lost, and ended up missing our ferry by 5 minutes! So, we wandered around Dublin for an extra day, caught the ferry at like 1:00 am, got home EARLY Sunday morning, our car had NO gas, all the gas stations were closed for miles and I have no idea how we actually made it home. The movie is very much like this, where the main girl has one mishap after another, but it's all one big adventure.
Okay, so I'm not saying that I'm Amy Adams (though I wish I was! :), but I came home with a renowned sense of appreciation for my crazy leprechaun husband and the adventures we have had together. It's amazing that a movie, only an hour and half long, can bring to mind so many memories and can bring to surface so many strong feelings.
End all, go see the movie. A little cheesy, but a great date movie, and amazingly, it's only rated PG!