This could have been me today....if I were a man.
What makes it even worse is that the only other time I have had technology fail on me during teaching was last semester....for the MUSIC LECTURE! Again! This time, the projector wouldn't work, so they set up a portable projector.....which didn't have itunes so I couldn't show a single clip. Boooooooo! This lecture is cursed! Next semester better be on my side!
On a side note, I was listening to NPR on the way home (yes, I know, I am officially a nerd) and they were talking about.....MUSIC! Apparently during the recession people are listening to something called "bubblegum pop" which is really happy, very shallow music. Apparently, it takes our mind of things like not having a job, or losing your house! But now that things are getting better, songs with deeper, more introspective lyrics are coming back on the scene. Very interesting! I never thought about how the economic climate can influence what songs are popular!