As I was pondering this question, I realized that the media has had a pivitol role in my testimony.
The first time I remember really KNOWING, was when I was asked to play a piano number for sacrament meeting. I was around 11 years old. I chose an arrangement of one of my favorite hymns, Praise to the Man. I remember as I was playing during sacrament meeting, I was thinking the lyrics in my mind. And it hit me: I really did believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet.
Time two: I was a Beehive, and the film Legacy came out at the Joseph Smith Memorial building. As I watched, the Spirit witnessed to me that Joseph was a prophet and that he DID see God. I couldn't stop crying as this thought resonated through me.
Time three: At age 18, I was reading the Work and the Glory. A fictional book, I know, but it really captured me. I thought a lot about Joseph Smith and his story, and how fantastical it must sound to those who hear it for the first time. I went back and read Joseph's own account of the First Vision. And again, I realized that I believed, no matter how fantastical it sounds.
I do believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that HE did see God the Father and Jesus Christ. He went through so much to help restore the gospel on the earth, and I can't wait to meet him someday. The Spirit can and does speak to us through the media and I am so grateful for these early experiences that helped cement my testimony of this prophet of the Lord.
Thanks for this! It makes sense that the media was intended to get messages like these across to the world. We have so many more opportunites to share the gospel, feel the spirit and bear our testimonies because of the media.