Thursday, March 18, 2010

Boy? Girl? How about a mix???

Me (talking to both kids in the bath): What do guys want the new baby to be? A brother or a sister?

Hannah (very loudly): SISTER!!!!

Nathan: A about a brother with a sister head?

Okay, not sure what that means, but it definitely DOESN'T get my vote!

So, ultrasound is probably not a true from of media here, but my ability to share the pictures is. So I'm saying it counts! :)

A few pics from our recent ultrasound...


3-D picture! Technology has changed so much in recent years, so this was really cool to see baby in 3-D! Looking slightly alien-ish at this point, but we won't hold that against him/her! :)

Even though I was sorely tempted, we didn't find out the sex of the baby (though I may bribe the ultrasound tech later!) Any guesses? Right now baby looks a little like a lizard (though a cute one?) so it's hard to tell....


  1. I'm guessing a girl. And you will name her after your favorite student (me, of course!). :-)

  2. 3D ultrasounds are the coolest! When my sister-in-law was pregnant they had a DVD made of all the 3D pictures (and some video too) and played it for their 3 year old daughter. She loved it.

    -- Courtney

  3. That 3D picture is awesome! I had no idea they did those...crazy! I'm so excited for you!!

  4. I have decided it's a girl.....mostly because you think it is a boy and someone has to counter act this, but either way the baby will be cute cause your kids are SOO cute!

  5. I had no idea it was possible to do 3D ultrasounds wow!

  6. I think it's a boy... i'll bet you chocolate chip cookies over this!

  7. Courtney's response is like what we talked about in media- baby home videos envetro what the ! Who knew! PS My guess for Super Cute Baby Lizard Coyne is a boy with a girl head - Nathan like's Josh Groban so he probably knows what he's talking about. :D Have you guys picked any names? You should probably pick some gender non-specific ones! ;)

  8. Whoa, the 3D picture is amazing. I wonder how they do that. It's exciting that you will have another child before too long!
