We just finished watching "Dancing with the Stars" with the kids.
Something I don't normally do, but it just happened to be on. Well, I research the media, so I never pass up a chance to teach a lesson with what we are watching. We were watching one dancer who was dressed very immodestly, so we were talking about how our bodies are a temple and we should dress modestly and classy. We talked about how this girls was showing WAY too much leg, back, breasts, and everything else!
Hannah didn't really get it. She just lifted up her shirt and said, "Look! Boobies!"
However, I really thought Nathan was internalizing this when the next girl came on, who happened to be wearing a rather modest outfit.
"Mom! She is beautiful! She is dressed very classy. Much better than that other girl"
YES! My son will NOT grow up to be one of the millions of men who drool over the scantily clad girls who seem to be everywhere we look! TV, magazines, billboards, on and on. Girl after girl came on the show and Nathan would always remakr whether she was dressed modestly or immodestly. And how the modest ones were always the more beautiful ones! Hooray!
Just as I was congratualating myself on a good piece of parenting, he came out with this little gem:
"Well...I like the ones who show too much of their boobies. It's very important to be nice to everyone no matter what they look like"
Hmmmmmmmm....true sentiment, but not quite what I had in mind!! At least he wants to be inclusive right?!? :)
I'm laughing out loud!