Saturday, June 9, 2012

Rugrats relational aggression

I'm working on my Relief Society lesson right now (I's Saturday night, not the best planning this week!) Hannah was watching Rugrats, and she came in and said, "Mom, can I tell you something?" I wanted to brush her off, as she's already bugged me like 10 times in the past half hour, but I said, "sure, what?" She said, "I was watching Rugrats, and Tommy's friends were being mean to him. They said they wouldn't be his friend anymore, and only Chukie was his friend". "Well, what do you think about that?" I said. "It made me feel bad inside, and sad that they were mean to Tommy. So I turned it to a different Rugrats where they were being nice to eachother". I gave her a massive hug and told her that she was choosing the right and I was so proud of her. So glad that she could recognize what relational aggression was, that it didn't sit right with her, and at age 4 she turned the show off herself. This is one proud media momma here!

Now, enough procrastinating, back to my lesson! I think I'm going to spray the whole Relief Society sisters with water....should be good times! (we are talking about personal revelation). Yep, I do crazy things in my RS lessons, just like I do in class! Keeps those sisters on their toes! :)


  1. Aww that is awesome!! I hope I get kids like that!!

    Thought I'd never go on here again after this class but reading blogs is kinda fun!! :-)

  2. I remember Rugrats when I was younger. Now that I really think about it, that show was not a very good influence on me. There's a ton of bad examples like Angelica. In the end they always try to have a good message, but sometimes there are episodes that just make you feel bad about life and friends. I'm glad Chuckie was always Tommy's friend no matter what!
