We were watching a girl from Canada skate and Nate said, "Mom, she's not wearing very many clothes. She should really get some on"! Maybe not the response he'll have when he's a teenager, but I'll take it for now!
So, I've missed most of the Olympics, but I LOVE the women's figure skating (I know, I am a super girl. No denying it). Whe I was a teenager, my dream was to be Michelle Kwan and to win the Olympics.
I was convinced if I worked hard enough it would happen! Too bad I can't skate AT ALL, but every time I watch figure skating, I always think, "yeah...I could do that! Just a little practice....!"
And the dream lives on!
Figure skating is my favorite!! I watched last night and the Asian who won was AMAZING! They do make it look way easy. When I was little I remember Kristi Yamaguchi was on the front of the Life cereal box and I always wanted to be her and win the gold.
ReplyDeleteOh I love it too! I want to be able to spin and slide and glide like they do! I try and convince myself too, but lets face it, I can skate, but not much beyond that haha
ReplyDeleteI made a similar comment to my wife that your son made to you. That's funny. I actually thought about blogging about it, becuase it is the only TV exposure I have had at home for a month or so.
ReplyDeleteMy question is, "What's up with females and loving to watch figure skating?" My mom loves it, my wife likes it, you all seem to have dreamt about it. What is it about figure skating? I mean, it is impressive what they can do, but I would rather watch a basketball game or other sport game any day.
And by the way, the "Asian" that won the gold is Korean. Go Korea!
Hahah! Jason I love your comments. Agreed about the clothes thing. I used to think, well maybe its like ballet or gymnasitcs they need to wear less clothing so you can see all the technical aspects of their body and how they mvoe...but then wait a second Evan Lysacheck (U.S.A!) and all the other men wear full body suits!
ReplyDeleteAnd Jason, you're guess is as good as mine. I LOVE figure skating and speed skating, and I enjoy all the other sports, but I really only sacrificed precious homework time for figure skating. All the Curling, snow boarding and mougles and ariels were fun to watch, but not "homework sacrificing fun." Maybe someone else has a good answer to that question.