Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My new life

This is such an inspiring story, and definitely worth watching!

I watched this with my kids and we talked about the things that really matter the most in our lives. What an amazing family!


  1. This video makes me a little teary every time! So, so awesome.

  2. Oh my gosh I love this story, Stephanie is such an amazing person. She spoke at the last time out for women conference I went to and it was so amazing to learn from her she inspired me so much and made me look outside of myself so much more. So grateful for people like this!!

  3. Wow, seriously, wow! that is a wonderful and humbling message for sure. i love that she said motherhood is beauty. and i think that strikes a core with every woman, especially those that dream, and to be, and are mothers. i think it shows the greater beauty that we have within us as daughter of God.
    i also love how she is an example of inspiration through the media, she has used it positively to bless the lives of others, and has now inspired me. thank you for her courage to share her sacred trial and experience. and thank you Dr. Coyne, good find!

  4. love this woman and her blog. She is an inspiration to all!!

  5. She's writing a book that will come out this Spring. I read the first three chapters (she linked a digital preview on her blog) and I really want to read the rest! It talks about how she met her husband and kept knocking things over and saying wrong things because she was so nervous...adorable! It gives me hope. :)

  6. I've been following Nienie for a long time now and i love her. Her blog is so inspiring and uplifting. Even when she is complaining about her physical trials it somehow comes across as motivational rather than depressing. Also, she has the cutest little family I've ever seen.
