In other news, my husband Paul was in Vegas this weekend, watching the Rugby Sevens tournament with his friends. So, I watched a couple of movies while he was gone (courtesy of Netflix)! First I watched "You again".

I was intrigued with the description as it is about a "mean girl" in high school who gets her comeuppance in the end. I liked Sigourney Weaver and Jamie Lee Curtis, but besides that it was pretty mindless. Lots of relational aggression too!!! Hmmm, maybe I could use some of the scenes for one of my studies.....
I also watched "I am number four" which I was excited about cause I thought one of my sisters said it was good (I later found it she was talking about a different movie!)

This movie had potential, but there is this huge alien fight scene that turned me off (I got really bored and started surfing facebook on my phone!) and there is one alien character that REALLY objectifies women: she is in a skintight black leather outfit most of the movie, has looong blonde hair, rides a motorcycle, shoots a big gun, etc. When I described this to my husband he said, "you know a guy wrote and directed this movie!!" Boooo!
For Valentine's Day, I think me and Paul are going to dinner and a movie (Yes, I know....but we actually NEVER go to dinner and movie! Add babysitter on that, and it usually costs way too much!) I think I want to go see that new Tom Hanks movie (Incredibly loud and extremely close). Anyone heard good things about this? After these two films, I could use a good one!!
Thanks for the website recommendation! This will be very helpful for my family! I have never watched I Am Number Four, or even heard about it for that matter. However, I am still not sure about the movie You Again. I felt like it had a similar plot to a lot of other movies out there.
ReplyDeleteI watched I Am Number Four a while back and then heard that the book was pretty good, so I checked it out from the library to read. It was better than the movie because it tells the entire back-story of the planet they came from (which was actually interesting!) and describes the process #4 goes through to learn to control his powers. The other thing I really liked about the book was the odd writing style. Everything is in first person present tense, and the sentences are really short. I thought the writing style made the book seem more suspenseful, and I liked that! That being said, there was a surprising amount of language that I didn't think was necessary. I probably wouldn't recommend reading it, but I liked to hear the background of the story.
ReplyDeleteDr. Coyne. I seriously have no idea what movies are coming out and which are good due to my English-media news void life in China (we're teaching English for 10 months) and I am totally stalking your blog to get ideas of shows to watch on China's favorite free movie website. BTW Chinese law says that movies are free on the internet. They're sold to Chinese movie theaters (if approved by the government), played in theaters and then released into cyberspace by companies, not steady-handed people in the audience with a video camera, although there's plenty of that. Is that wrong?
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I am super jealous that your husband got to go to the Sevens tournament! One of these days I'll be able to... Second, my parents saw Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, and said it was pretty good.