Saturday, March 10, 2012

Oh Canada!

I'm baaack! This last week I attended the SRA conference (Society for Research on Adolescence) in Vancouver. Not very many media talks, unfortunately. However, at one I learned that there is something called "transportation" that is very predictive of media effects. This means you feel like you are actually "transported" into whatever media you are watching. The woman who came up with this concept is a big Harry Potter fan and felt transported to Hogwarts whenever she watched the movie or read the book. Interesting!!

Laura Walker and Larry Nelson were there as well, and we took one afternoon off the conference to do a little sightseeing. Nobody brought a camera, so good thing I had my phone to take these pictures! Yay for new media! Here are a couple from our trip.

Note the flag in the background....Oh Canada!

Cute market on Granville Island

Read the sign, and think back to our fear and media lecture! Blah!

Fish and chips for lunch...I specifically took this picture to make my husband jealous!

Steaming clock...very random

By the totem pole made the the first nations people

Okay, this is after I got home, but how cute does Aidan look as a Canadian? :)

Overall, a nice conference: I learned a few more things about media and adolescence and importantly met some very big names in the media world. I'm glad to be back, though! See you in class next week!


  1. haha. This is awesome! I love seeing pictures from trips! I remember when I went to Canada, lots of random things, but all in all very fun!! We are glad you are back!!!

  2. I don't know why but I found this blog particularly entertaining...mostly for the pictures. I love to see my professors in the real world. Glad you enjoyed Canada!!!

  3. Thanks for sharing your trip with us! how are you so cool professor coyne? I wanna be more like you!

  4. This trip looks so fun and I'm glad you got to go! You get to do so many awesome things with your job!

  5. I was thoroughly entertained by the pictures. It was great to see our professors and your cute little Aidan. I especially liked the one about the seagulls, that one made me laugh. What an exciting trip! We are sure glad to have you back though!

  6. This trip looked like fun, i especially like the steaming clock! Super cool.

  7. Nice pic about the seagulls! Hahaha! Looks like it was fun and your boy looks soooo cute! That's so cool that you got to meet a lot of the big names up there. I bet it was fascinating.
