Sunday, December 23, 2012


Today was our ward Christmas sacrament meeting. This is my favorite Sunday of the year (well....after the Primary program). I always sing in our ward choir and I just love singing the songs at Christmas! We also have a fun tradition in our ward - we always close with the Hallelujah chorus and invite anyone in the congregation who knows the song to come and join us. Today we had at least 60 people up there - not bad for a ward choir! We usually have this girl, Tiffany, who is a piano major at BYU play the piano part for this song - but she got married and isn't in the ward anymore. SOOOOO, they asked me to play it! YIKES! I play a lot for the choir, but this particular song is a stretch for me and I had to practice for weeks to get it up to scratch. I was super anxious about the whole thing as I really didn't want to mess it up! However, the whole thing was an amazing experience for me today. I was concentrating so hard throughout the whole song and when I played the last note and the choir finished, I experienced absolute joy! I just couldn't stop this giddy smile on my face! Partly because it was all done and I hadn't screwed up (too badly) but mostly because the spirit was so strong as we all sang praises unto Christ this Christmas season.  And that's how it should be. I loooooove singing this song at Christmas, but playing it was pretty awesome too. I absolutely love Handel's Messiah and it was a privilege to be a small part of it today.