We had A LOT of conversations about what we could do. Nate thought maybe he could still go, but then just watch the parts "that aren't bad" (according to him)....unfortunately, this movie is pretty much non-stop violence so that would be hard to do! He also thought he could go to the first part and then just leave when the movie started, but the entire party was the movie :( Seriously, this is was really tough! We talked about how sometimes Choosing the Right isn't easy at all. We looked up The Avengers on my favorite website www.commonsensemedia.org and talked about what was in the movie. And that seemed to really hit Nathan hard: after that, Nate decided that it probably wasn't a good idea to go to the party. But what to do? We decided that instead of going to the party, he could invite one of his best friends over for a "late-over" where they could eat snacks and watch a movie that was okay. He invited his friend Zach over, they ate popcorn with Marshmallow topping (sounds so gross, but Zach brought it over) and watched Robin Hood (the animated version). And they had a blast! So, the party was forgotten and all is right in the world. What struck me was that I wasn't prepared for how hard this conversation and decision was to make. It was a no brainer to me, but Nate really really really really really wanted to go. No matter how much I know, or how much research I do, being a parent in this media generation is STILL hard! But I'm proud of Nate for making the right decision in the end, and I think he learned a really good lesson, even though it was not an easy choice. Bring on the next thing.......