Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Thank you, sir.

Well after last class, you all know what a West Wing groupie I am. As of this fall, I was assigned to be associate director of the School of Family Life and Alan Hawkins is now the director. We work closely together and often have to talk about rather serious  and weighty things concerning the SFL faculty and students. I asked Alan for a favor yesterday right after class. He said, "yes", and so knowing Alan's EQUAL love for the West Wing AND my cognitive scripts surrounding the West Wing being activated after yesterday's class, I decided to express my appreciation with this meme:

Yes - Gus from Psych is in West Wing (I told you it's a good show) - in the show he is the president's assistant (kind of like I am to Alan). It was a very, very simple thing, but our offices are next door and I have NEVER heard him laugh so loudly as when he opened my email. It made my day and I was struck by an appreciation of how media can bring us together in the small moments of our day.


  1. I think I have been thinking of media as a mostly negative thing. But perhaps I need to adjust my thinking

  2. I love how people can express emotions with GIF's/Meme's. It's like an advanced emojee, because it can bring human into the emotion.

  3. I love little gifs and memes! They make me laugh!! My favorite is when I am having a conversation with my mom and she puts a gif to explain her emotions lol

  4. I love how memes and gifs have influenced our culture. It's so fun to find ways over media to relate to people. My husband and I definitely use media daily to make each other laugh and start conversations. It's wonderful.

  5. This story made me laugh so hard! I also love the West Wing so I thought the meme was perfect.

  6. I love how gifs and memes bring people together! My team at work all sit together in cubicles and we have a group chat where we often post funny memes and gifs and I love overhearing people laugh as they see the messages.
