Friday, April 6, 2012

LGBT students at BYU speak out

I saw this on KSL news and it was really eye opening for me!

Did you know that there are more than 1,800 LGBT students attending BYU (WAY more than I ever would have thought!!!), and 74 percent of those students have contemplated suicide (and 24% have attempted suicide)? I had no idea. Being LGBT at BYU must feel like an impossible thing.

This type of video would NEVER have been created at BYU a few years ago, but I think it's a good thing that BYU is becoming more accepting of LGBT students. No, we don't condone the behavior, but we are getting better about not rejecting the PERSON now. I love how one of the students says, "I don't go to school with a bunch of hateful people, which is what I thought before, I thought I was surrounded by homophobic people who would hate me if they knew." I still think there are plenty of people at BYU who are homophobic, but I do think "it's getting better" as they say in the video. Definitely worth a watch! Love to hear your thoughts on this one.


  1. Ya this is really interesting. One of my friends and I were actually talking about this yesterday. I hope we talk about it in class tomorrow.

  2. I thought this was really interesting too. I watched it with my family. If I wasn't leaving I would have signed up as one of the straight alliance people or something. I like that they are promoting to not act on it. There were some boys in the cannon center with the LSGA shirts on that say "I'm ok that I'm gay". Seems like a good way to let people know there is a support system and to let them know that being gay doesnt mean its their identity and that they can still practice their beliefs. I've had friends who left the church because they didn't think it was possible, this is a good way to let them know that it is.

  3. Hello hello! I decided to catchup on your blog a bit too :)

    My senior year at BYU (2009-2010), a BYU student actually 'came out' to our small English Honors class during the course of our individual final presentations. I think his topic was inspired by the Prop 8 issue, and even titled "Can Mormons be gay?. It was on a powerpoint slide and all - something like the words "I'm gay AND Mormon" surrounded a smiling picture of himself. My mind was blown, not because he existed (at BYU!), but because he trusted his fellow classmates to behave with the love, support, and respect on such a personal yet rather controversial topic. Which I believe we did - I was struck with awe and amazement at his courage.

    I watched the video on Easter, and immediately shared with friends (both LDS and not). The overwhelming response was love, sympathy, tears, and respect.
