Tuesday, May 1, 2012

John Adams

My husband and I are both media buffs, so we always like to have a show that we watch together. It's probably not the best use of spousal time, but sometimes after a long day of work or taking care of three crazy kids, it's about the only thing we have energy for! We just finished watching The West Wing through (2nd time now!) and are looking for another show. In the meantime, we are watching "John Adams". This is a miniseries that is a few years old, obviously about our 2nd president of the United States. It is EXCELLENT! I'm not really a history buff at all, but I'm loving this show. I feel like I'm learning so much about John Adams himself, but also about the birthplace of our nation. We just watched the episode where they draft the declaration of independence, and it was thrilling (never thought I'd say that!) Besides being informative, it is just very well done, and I would highly recommend it.
Unfortunately, it's only a few episodes long. So, does anyone have any ideas for shows that my husband and I could watch together? Right now we are considering Friday Night Lights cause we've heard good things about that.....but I'm not going to lie: Football and Texas are not really two of my favorite things! (no offense to all you lovely Texans out there!)


  1. Well, I don't know if this counts as my blog post for class, but that is really cool... what channel is that show on? or can I find it on netflix?? My husband got really into one show I think it was called: America the story of Us... but i'll have to double check. I watched it with him a few times and it went through a lot of American history and was really good!!

    1. I haven't watched this show either, but I have heard it is amazing. I love John Adams and would very much enjoy it. You'll have to keep us updated about it and if you recommend it. I'm excited to hear about it.

    2. I think it is awesome when shows are fun and educational. Such a great way to learn things. When they are accurate to history, I feel like I learn things way better when I watch it, rather than force myself to read pages and pages of a textbook for hours. Maybe I will have to check it out.

  2. My husband and I both really liked Downton Abby, Firefly, Psych, Dollhouse, and Pushing Daisies. (Lots of different kinds of shows!) I have heard good things about Friday Night Lights, but haven't ever watched it.
