Thursday, February 7, 2013

Facebook fast - and a challenge to you!

I just posted this message on my Facebook account:

I teach a lecture on social networking in my media class every year. This year as an experiment on the function of such sites in my life, I am going completely off Facebook for the rest of February. Cold Turkey. If you need to contact me, please call or email me! See you all in March!

I teach about social networking every semester and always say I'm going to "quit" for a week or two, just to see how life is without Facebook....but I've never actually done it! But this is the year! I generally check Facebook a few times a day - mostly on my phone when I'm bored. So this will probably be difficult at first, but I really want to find out if I feel like I'm missing anything or if life will simply go on. I have a feeling it will be the latter.

Feel free to join me in this Facebook fast if you think you can do it! Our social networking lecture is March 1st!


  1. Challenge accepted. I have been wanting to do this for a long time, but this gave me more motivation. Thanks for the challenge! I think it will be a great month. :)

  2. I actually was thinking about doing this last week, so this post was perfect for me. I think I will also extend the challenge to my husband since I think he spends more time in facebook than I do! Here we go!

  3. I accept the challenge too. I rarely post anything but I do check in, once a day or so, especially when I am bored. Guess I will have to play one of the 100 games my kids have on my phone:)

  4. Oh man...I don't know if I could do that. I didn't even realize until I read this just how much time I spend on that blasted website. Heavens, we are even required to post on it for my work. Best of luck!

  5. my husband and I both deleted our Facebook accounts before we got married. So I, too, will partake in this challenge ;)

    but good for you! I hate facebook. my life is SO much better without it. Five months and going strong!!!!

  6. Dr, Coyne, I'm so proud of you! It's tough.
    I actually have done the same thing. It's been about a month off of Facebook for me and my goodness--I've done so many great things with my time since!

  7. Facebook has consumed so much of my time! I could be done with homework so much earlier and be able to spend more time with friends (in real life) if I didn't have that website. But my big time consumer is Twitter! So many fun tweets from celebrities and such, so I'll see if I can take on this challenge but with Twitter instead! It is much needed, I know!

  8. How do you like being facebook free? I deactivated my account last semester. I find I would go onto facebook simply because I was bored and then I would waste time looking at what people post. It's way nice to not have the distraction, but at the same time I feel a little disconnected from some people and I also keep missing baby announcements. But life sure does go on!

  9. I've kinda done this a few times. It usually happens when my real life gets busy so facebook gets put on the back burner. I've found that I usually forget about it and don't go back to checking it even after things slow down. After a few weeks of this, I rediscover it and wonder how I ever could have ever neglected it. I don't think I could ever delete my account though, because I feel like people that do that become more out of the loop than they realize. Although I'm sure it's refreshing in many ways!

  10. I think that is a great idea! I'm not much of a Facebook-er but I do love Pinterest, which is just as bad in my book. I have a hard time staying off, especially when I am trying to do homework. I think I will try a Pinterest fast. Thanks for the inspiration and good luck with yours!
