Monday, February 25, 2013

Utah baby names - why oh why?

Naming a child is a huge responsibility! So frankly, it drives me crazy with all the.....well.....stupid baby names out there!! My sister works in a doctor's office so she will text me some of the more ridiculous baby names that she sees in any given week. I am constantly amazed by the names that parents come up with - these poor kids are going to have to live with these names forever!

Here is a funny video about actual names from Utah (and why I can post this on my media blog!) I also love the Utah "poof" that appears later on in the video.

What do you say when it is in your own family? I have a (different) sister who named her daughter, Gwenhwyvere (like Guinevere from the King Arthur legend). This poor girl is in kindergarten, but luckily, has half the letters of the alphabet in her name already, so that should help with letter recognition! Fortunately, she goes by Gwen, so that simplifies things. And I can say that here because we now have a running joke (which my sister participates in) about her daughter's name! :)

You would think with a name like, "Sarah" that I would be all for unique and crazy names. After all, Sarah was the number 1 name the year I was born and I regularly had 3 or 4 Sarahs in all my classes growing up. But interestingly, I've gone fairly traditional with our three kids so far (Nathan, Hannah, and Aidan- this last one was a super compromise. My husband really wanted an Irish name and this was the one that I tolerated the most!)
So do we have a baby name yet for this new baby boy Coyne? Not yet - my husband is funny about the whole naming process so literally won't discuss baby names until I'm about 38 weeks along. I have a ton in mind, but nothing concrete. I would love some suggestions of boy names if you have them (though be prepared to be mocked if they are too far out there)! However, my youngest is positive that we will name that baby "Tea Party Coyne" (my husband always clarifies that this is in no relation to the policital party!) Aidan loves playing with play food and has pretend tea parties all day long (yep, we are raising one masculine little boy here! :) I guess he wants to name the baby after the thing he loves most!


  1. Hilarious! Good luck finding that perfect name.

  2. that was an outrageous video! I actually wonder if they ARE 100% authentic or not...

    My parents stuck to traditional names as well (rachel, andrew, elisabeth, daniel). As we know, there are like 6 rachel's in class haha.

    sorry, but i have no boy name suggestions... i don't even have preferenes for my own kids yet! I'm the kind of person who will have a few in mind, and have to see the baby before deciding :)

  3. Ha ha Loved this video. I have actually heard a lot of these names, and 5 of them are names of my nieces and nephews! I am much more traditional than my siblings. I swear most of my siblings just think of two names they like and mix them. Weird.

  4. This video cracks me up because it is so true! I can attest to this because it happened with my brother! haha His children's names were so normal (Lindsay, Tyler, Allison) and then once they moved to Idaho (not quite Utah but close) they started coming up with crazy names. Their most recent child was named Case. I was like what in the world? But they love it. My sister-in-law justifies it because they have 54 nieces and nephews on her side of the family so it makes naming children difficult. Whatever works for the family I guess.

    Personally, I like more traditional names. I am especially a fan of old fashion names like Ezra and Lucy.

  5. I like Jacob, Zachary, and Tyler. That video was so funny! I wonder if all of them are legitimate names in Utah...

  6. I love this video. I have worked at several internships with children and what gets me are the "normal" names spelled in a bizzarre manner, such as Kyleigh, Kaydee, KT, Schuyler, or Ashleigh.

  7. I'll be honest, the coolest name for a boy (and I have cleared it with Aislynn -- pronounced Ashlynn -- that one of our children will be named this) is Ian. It's even celtic, so your husband should like it. Ian Coyne.... that kid will be a stud.

  8. Hmmm...I like Ethan Coyne. Sounds very traditional and cohesive with the rest of your kids' names.

    Just don't name him Trygve...that's what one of the girls I went to high school with just named her baby. And how uncomfortable would it be to have two Trygves in your class at school?

  9. Are all those names really real?! Please no! I also know a family that named all their boys with "B" names... and I have no clue how they don't get them all mixed up. Just don't name him Silver :) haha.

  10. I just have to comment on this one because I've heard some crazy names in my day. Check this: Steel Hammer (no joke), Luscious (NOT Harry Potter fans, yeah, too bad the rest of the world is), Orange Jello (but pronounced with a fancy accent - what the?). I am serious about these - they are real people that I have heard about from people who know them. Crazy. Anyway, here are my suggestions; some traditional and some out there:

    Good luck!

  11. This video was hilarious! It's so true though! As I'm getting ready to have my baby in a few months, we're trying to think of names and it's hard to agree with my husband!

  12. Ok you need to discover this blog. Each year this girl takes the popular name list from the general Utah area and discusses how terrible they are. It's great.

  13. I actually enjoyed in this though. I would like to share baby names with you here. is a good directory of baby names, where you can get unique names with meaning with origin and Etymology.

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