Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why I hate Valentine's Day on Facebook

Does anyone else feel like Valentine's Day is kind of obnoxious on Facebook? It almost seems like a contest to see who got the best gift, who LUVS their husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend the most, and who has the best husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD! Don't get me wrong: I'm a romantic and love Valentine's Day as much as the next gal, but Facebook takes PDA to a whole new, overly cheesy, drippy, annoying level!

Yes, we should tell our loved ones that we love them on Valentine's Day. But I feel secure enough in my relationship that I don't need to prove it to the hundreds of "friends" that I have on Facebook, many of whom have never even met my husband! Sorry to be a downer, I'm just kind of annoyed with reading the same post over and over again: Seriously, all of you CAN'T have the best husband in the world: besides, he already lives at my house! :)

See: Case in point! How annoying was that!!


  1. That is the exact reason why I didn't go on facebook on Valentine's Day. :)

  2. bahaha, I agree. I was pretty proud of myself, this was my first year having a Valentine for like...6 years, and I didn't even post about it! (but I did post to say Happy Birthday to him...same day!)

  3. Haha! This is the best Valentine's Day post I have ever seen. Facebook is basically like that everyday.

  4. Amen! I wish there was a barf button on facebook. There were definitely some posts that made me sick to my stomach.

  5. I had this same thought on Valentine's day as I debated whether or not I should post about what my husband did for me this year. I too decided that it was not worth it to tell the whole world about something that was meant only for me. Facebook has definitely taken PDA to a whole new level--I'm not sure how I feel about it.

  6. I agree completely and specifically avoided Facebook on Valentine's Day. I also am a romantic and love Valentine's Day but I loathe the overly sentimental PDA on Facebook!
