Good things
1. Twist surprise ending. I won't say what happens for those of you haven't seen it, but it was a great surprise!
2. This is the last Twilight movie.
Bad things
1. All the middle age women sitting behind me who giggled insanely when Edward or Jacob said ANYTHING!!! Not funny things, just anything.
2. Very little plot. There were quite a few parts of the movie that were just downright boring.
3. WAY violent. There is one scene where several vampires get beheaded in a quite gruesome fashion. I found out that this movie was originally rated R because of the violence. The producers decided to change the sound effects so the beheadings sounded less "squishy" and that pushed it down to PG-13. Ridiculous. I was this close to walking out, and really should have done so.
4. So many kids! Why do parents bring their very young kids to movies like this? Behind us (by the middle age ladies) were a family with three young kids, probably ages 10, 7, and 4. There were a number of other young families as well. This is NOT a movie for kids (see point 3). There is also a pretty lengthy sex scene right towards the beginning of the film. It's PG-13 so you don't "see" anything, but it's pretty darn intense for kids this age!
5. People clapped and cheered at the end of the film. I'm such a cynical crank, but the movie seriously was not that good!
So Breaking Dawn didn't exactly float my boat - I've never been a super fan of the series (see my earlier post, all the way back in 2009 - Death to New Moon), and I've never really understood the hysteria behind the books or the movies. Sorry girls!