Here are some of my major thoughts:

1. The most powerful story in the film is the transformation of Jean Valjean. He goes from a prisoner to a truly amazing individual, full of integrity. When things get difficult, he always chooses the right, even when it seems impossible. I love so many of the songs, but I particulary love "Who am I?", when he is having an internal battle about what to do - remain as mayor or reveal his past and by doing so, freeing an innocent man. This is such a deep question that we should all ask oursevles - "Who am I?" What do I stand for? How do my choices make me the person I am today? I was so inspired by this line of thinking, that I ditched my Superbowl themed Primary singing time (I'm the Primary choirister in my ward) and we seriously had a Les Mis themed singing time. I started out by telling the kids the G rated version of Jean Valjean, and I'm not kidding, all 87 kids in our senior primary were transfixed!! We then sang some songs that really answer the question "who am I?", including I am a Child of God (really, the ultimate answer to that question), I'll walk with you, Nephi's Courage, I'm trying to be like Jesus, etc. I love it when I can use the media, and especially really positive messages in this kind of way.
2. The story between Jean valjean and Javert is definitely the best. Once Javert jumps (which is super intense in the film!), I kind of wanted the movie to end, but it seemed to drag on forever! The love story between Cosette and Marius has always been just so so for me.
3. Loved Anne Hathaway! Definitely worth the hype! I've seen the play probably a half dozen times in my life and have never felt such an emotional and wrenching connection to the character of Fontaine.
4. This show is definitely PG-13. As in the play, there is some sexual content (though I didn't feel it was over the top, and I've seen worse on the stage), swearing, and violence. There was more violence than there usually is in the stage production and the battle scenes were longer. I thought they did a good job at portraying the consequences of violence (something that is often lacking in the media) -the scene with the women cleaning up the blood was chilling, but a good one. The song "Empty chairs and empty tables" really hits you hard - that these people....his friends....are really never coming home.
Overall, I REALLY enjoyed this film!