Sunday, March 3, 2013

A pukey media filled weekend

Not the best of weekends - I caught the stomach flu and spent all day Saturday and Sunday throwing up and laying in bed. Which super isn't fun when you are pregnant, because all the stomach indigestion triggered some serious contractions which triggered even more nausea. MIS-ER-ABLE!

Well, I'm better now and apart from the fact that I want your pity, the reason I am telling you all this is because I spent a whole lot of time watching TV. I caught up on Grey's Anatomy  Once Upon a Time, and Nashville, and then spent the afternoon watching a movie I'd never heard of called "The Mighty Macs". It was so surprisingly good I wanted to tell you about it!

It's based on a true story, which is always fantastic. It involves a down on their luck women's basketball team from a Catholic college who get a new coach who turns the team around. It was pretty cheesy, but actually quite good. I found myself cheering for the team and even shed a tear in the last few moments of "the big game". There are a number of good messages about commitment - to your team, to your God, to your self, and to your dreams. PLUS, it's rated G - which you never see anymore! Good ole' family fun. 

Though not everyone will be excited about this movie. Case in point - I was telling my husband about the movie and he said, "why would you want to watch actual women's basketball let alone a movie about it?" PUNK. Let's hope he was least a little bit!

1 comment:

  1. Ok. I tried to get my husband to watch that movie the other day but he said it sounded lame! I will have to re-argue this one.
