Monday, January 20, 2014

I took the plunge…...

Well, I took the plunge and finally joined Twitter. I've been really anti-Twitter for a while because:

a) I think the word "tweet" is annoying
b) I despise the whole hashtag thing
c) I already have enough social media to fill up my brain

But since I study the media and I talk to parents all the time about how they need to know new media since their kids are going to be on it - I thought I better practice what I preach.

Though confession - I don't really know how to use it! For all you guys out there - do you use Twitter? If so, who do you follow? What is the benefit of Twitter compared to Facebook or Instagram (both of which I am currently on)? And somebody explain to me how this whole hashtag thing works? Honestly, my brain is just tired thinking about it!

Oh and feel free to follow me @moneycoyne on Twitter. When I actually figure it out, I just might post something! :)

Happy tweeting!


  1. Okay well to be honest...I also just got a twitter and it's kind of difficult to work! However, I do think it's a lot of fun. I have hardly any followers but I do like to follow my favorite celebs like Hugh Jackman but other than that I just stalk people! Oh and I think the hashtag thing is overrated so I kind of despise it too!!

  2. I like twitter because it gives me a place to say what I am REALLY feeling without worrying that I am going to offend someone. I can also use hashtags to link tweets, so if I am tweeting about something that happened at work I consistently use the same hashtag. This is great when I need to go back and have a good laugh.

  3. I'm right there with you. I have no idea what it's purpose is.. I had to get one for my English class and I don't really touch it anymore

  4. I'd say that Twitter is a quicker and easier way to connect with a lot of people versus Facebook or Instagram. A LOT of people are on Twitter! Even entire countries have Twitter accounts (weird). It's effective because you have to limit what you say, so you can read through a lot of people's tweets really quickly. AND, do you know Brene Brown? She researches shame and vulnerability, and I know that she has used Twitter in the past specifically for researching purposes by asking people questions like "what makes you feel vulnerable?" (Easy for her, since she's a qualitative researcher.) I think that you can do a lot of good through Twitter if you can get a lot of people to follow you! Get the word out on good messages that you want to share!
