Monday, March 17, 2014

Target's photoshop FAIL....

So much I could blog about today!

First - we FINALLY saw Frozen! I have been waiting patiently for it to come to the dollar theater and it finally came! It was amazing - I loved it! My kids loved it! Hooray for Disney!

My one complaint (okay two) is that (1) both Anna and particularly Elsa are very thin and sexualized in points. Typical Disney Princess for you! (2) I feel like Anna's character is VERY similar to Rapunzel. The part where she was asking that guy to take her up the mountain? Just like when Rapunzel was asking Flynn to take her to see the lights. They even look alike and have a similar voice. I'm just saying......

But besides that, I loved it! LOVE those powerful females!!

So here is what I want to write about. Target has been in the news for all sorts of things lately. Not sure if you saw this one floating around, but here is a giant Photoshop fail from Target. Note a few things - (1) her left arm is grotesquely skinny and looks stretched out. (2) she is missing half of her crotch. Seriously.

Here is a close up

I'm so glad that this was pointed out in the news media (I think Huffington Post picked it up). Target should be ashamed. Additionally, they should be even more ashamed given that it is a swimming suit for adolescents!!! As if they don't already have enough body image problems.......

Here is Target's reply apologizing for the mistake.

"In response to your query about the swimsuit image on, this was an unfortunate error on our part and we apologize. We have removed the image from our Web site,” a company spokesman said. Asked how the mistake occurred, "It was the result of a photo editing error on our part."

What they should be apologizing for is photoshopping young girls in the first place!! Dream on Dr. Coyne..............


  1. That target photoshop error is horrible! But... hopefully it will bring some more awareness to the photoshop epidemic our country is currently in! We need help!

  2. Seriously?! This is the first that I had heard of this. A lot of me thinks this is super funny. How in the world would you not notice how weird she looks before publishing this? The other part of me is super upset. Why? I don't understand why they have to be fake people. I might as well compare myself to Picasso's paintings of women. They are as distorted as the photoshopped images.

  3. That arm is super freaky. I hadn't heard of this. Sometimes I dislike this world. A lot!

    Ps is it weird I'm still reading your blog?

    1. Haha not at all! I'm glad you do!

    2. I just need to be better about posting more consistently!

  4. Wow pretty disappointed in Target...that is not cool!!!

  5. First of all. I LOVE Frozen. So good!! As for the Target ad. Seriously? So disappointed. She looks sick and deformed! I agree with Emilie-how could they not notice that? Just sayin....

  6. So glad you loved Frozen! And you are so right - they apologized for the wrong thing...

  7. I loved Frozen, too! I'm always up for a cute Disney movie, though. And, oh my goodness...I seriously laughed out loud about the swimming suit thing. The photoshop is kind of ridiculous. It's sad that they photoshopped it in the first place. I'm sure that girl is super pretty without her photo be edited.

  8. I saw MAJOR similarities to Tangled as well. Good thing I LOVE both movies.

  9. That is horrifying! Shame on you, Target. Sometimes this world baffles me. In a bad way.
