Saturday, March 30, 2013

Maternity photo shoot

I'm going to get a bit personal here, but pregnancy is TOUGH! Between working a full time job and raising three young kids on top of everything else in my day, I go to bed exhausted most evenings. I've had some health issues that I won't go into here, that have made this pregnancy particularly hard.

Well, my husband is awesome - for Christmas he got me a maternity photo shoot, which I've never done. This is such a luxury I would NEVER think of getting it for myself, but I thought it was such a thoughtful gift that I went along with it. The shoot was a couple of weeks ago and the photographer has a blog (here is my media tie in) that she posts photos from her sessions. I won't be able to view the whole photo session for about another week, but she posted just a few on her blog that have kept me going the last few weeks. Pregnancy really is beautiful and these pictures remind me why I am putting myself through this wretchedness - for FAMILY. It is a sacrifice, but so worth it in the end. I love my little family so much - they mean everything in the world to me, and I'm grateful for these pictures for capturing a few precious moments I will treasure forever.

I've changed my family photo for the blog, and here are two others that I just love! You need to click on the second one to see the great detail, and the look on my baby boy's face! Priceless!

And a plug for the photographer -  her name is Sarah Woods from Remember When photography. This photographer is SOOO talented! I'd highly recommend her for wedding pictures, newborn pics, whatever - she does it all! Her website is so check it out if you are looking for a photographer!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tom Hanks spoofs Toddlers and Tiaras

This video pits one of my very favorite things (Tom Hanks) with one of my very LEAST favorite things (Toddlers and Tiaras). I hope you enjoy Tom Hanks on Jimmy Kimmel spoofing Toddlers and Tiaras. Many thanks to Sadie who sent me the link in the first place. I actually laughed so hard that I cried at little! :)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Suit up!

I saw this in the JFSB office and couldn't resist a picture.

For those of you who watch "How I met your mother", you'll recognize Barney with his classic catchphrase. I like how they called it "How I got my internship" - nice play on the show.

Though I should say that this show is SUPER naughty! Not sure if you've seen it - it is super funny, but I don't think I could ever recommend it because there is a TON of sexual dialogue, especially from this particular character!

My husband likes the show, so I texted him this picture - his text back to me, "are you grabbing his bum?" Yep, my husband is awesome! :)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Yet another Misrepresentation in my day

Today I did a media interview for a new women's talk show on BYU TV. They were interviewing hosts so I was the guinea pig for their potential host to practice on.

The girl who was the host is an actress who lives in NYC! She has been in quite a few commercials(mostly for women's products). Her first name is Kristy and I can't remember her last name or I would tell you so you could look her up.

I've done quite a few media interviews, but this was a bit different. First, I thought it was radio, not TV, so I wasn't prepared for the elaborate set they had (where they film studio C I think). Thank goodness I didn't wear ripped jeans! Also, when I arrived, they had a professional makeup artist do my makeup! I must have looked tired cause she put a lot of makeup under my eyes! :) I was grateful, but felt almost unethical given what we just spoke about today in class!

I chatted with the host a bit about her glamorous lifestyle and she said it is fun, but there is a price. For example, they photoshop everything. Her dentist wanted her to get veneers, but she said, "why? They are just going to lighten my teeth anyway" They typically change her eyes to blue (they are green usually) and completely airbrush her skin. I thought she said something very telling when she said, "I often wish I could walk around with my airbrush face much nicer!" And she was WAY pretty!  She said her best friends all look exactly the same because they all go to the same auditions, so spend a lot of time together. And she got one part because of a tiny line between her eyes (the producers actually told her that). She also said that she recently did an audition with her daughters, but they said she would never get the part because they weren't believable as mother/daughter. Why? She is brunette and her daughter is blond. Crappy Hollywood.

Anyway, the interview was a fun 8 min out of my time (we talked about mean girls, video games, and school shootings) but I think this experience really hit home after what we talked about today in class. It was so interesting to hear this kind of a stuff from an actual actress trying to make it big on actual TV. Absolutely fascinating.

Monday, March 4, 2013

A moment brought to you by the best Disney film ever

This is short and sweet but I had to share:

My husband caught the previously mentioned stomach flu so was in bed all day. I came home right after class and hung out with the kids. Tonight we went to Brick Oven for FHE. After dinner, Hannah (age 5) comes over to me and puts her hands on my face. I thought she was going to say something sweet like, "I love you Mommy", but instead she said, "Did you know you have something green in your teeth, just like on Emporer's New Groove?" For some reason, this complely cracked me up, which cracked all the kids up, even Aidan who had no clue what was going on but thought it was hilarious!

Fantastic use of media!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

A pukey media filled weekend

Not the best of weekends - I caught the stomach flu and spent all day Saturday and Sunday throwing up and laying in bed. Which super isn't fun when you are pregnant, because all the stomach indigestion triggered some serious contractions which triggered even more nausea. MIS-ER-ABLE!

Well, I'm better now and apart from the fact that I want your pity, the reason I am telling you all this is because I spent a whole lot of time watching TV. I caught up on Grey's Anatomy  Once Upon a Time, and Nashville, and then spent the afternoon watching a movie I'd never heard of called "The Mighty Macs". It was so surprisingly good I wanted to tell you about it!

It's based on a true story, which is always fantastic. It involves a down on their luck women's basketball team from a Catholic college who get a new coach who turns the team around. It was pretty cheesy, but actually quite good. I found myself cheering for the team and even shed a tear in the last few moments of "the big game". There are a number of good messages about commitment - to your team, to your God, to your self, and to your dreams. PLUS, it's rated G - which you never see anymore! Good ole' family fun. 

Though not everyone will be excited about this movie. Case in point - I was telling my husband about the movie and he said, "why would you want to watch actual women's basketball let alone a movie about it?" PUNK. Let's hope he was least a little bit!