Monday, March 4, 2013

A moment brought to you by the best Disney film ever

This is short and sweet but I had to share:

My husband caught the previously mentioned stomach flu so was in bed all day. I came home right after class and hung out with the kids. Tonight we went to Brick Oven for FHE. After dinner, Hannah (age 5) comes over to me and puts her hands on my face. I thought she was going to say something sweet like, "I love you Mommy", but instead she said, "Did you know you have something green in your teeth, just like on Emporer's New Groove?" For some reason, this complely cracked me up, which cracked all the kids up, even Aidan who had no clue what was going on but thought it was hilarious!

Fantastic use of media!


  1. How precious! I can't wait for moments like that. Laughing is one of my favorite things!

  2. haha that's too cute!!! kids say the funniest things

  3. How funny! I am so glad you shared this - it gave me a good laugh!:) Also, Emperors New Groove is one of my very favorite movies!

  4. Haha that is so funny!! And she picked a good movie too. I love Emperors New Groove!

  5. this is so cute! disney is good for everything!

  6. oh my goodness! that is my all-time favorite movie!

  7. Disney, sometimes I hate you sometimes I love you. This is a love situation though.
